Building on the concepts found in Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, Neil Anderson's counseling ministry guide provides clear information and excellent models to help you understand what discipleship counseling is all about.
Specific counseling areas covered in depth include:
- Defining mental health and understanding how biblical counseling addresses the whole person- body, soul and spirit.
- Counseling the spiritually oppressed and counseling in Christ to resolve the root issues.
- Overcoming false guidance, deception, bitterness and rebellion.
- Helping others experience freedom in Christ.
If you are a pastor, counselor or lay leader, the Encourager's Training Manual will be a great accompaniment to this resource as you become more comfortable, confident and competent in your role as an encourager.
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Discipleship Counseling - BOOK
Discipleship Counseling - WORKBOOK
Discipleship Counseling Encourager Training Manual
Discipleship Counseling - DVD