Day 1 - An intense look at resolution of spiritual conflicts relating to who we are in Christ through the Steps to Freedom with additional training related to Stronghold Busting. These are powerful tools being used by churches across Canada.
Day 2 - Experience an excerpt from the highly acclaimed Freed To Lead course. A recent graduate from Transform, a leader in church and a retired military officer said that she had received leadership training ad nauseum and wish that she had access to this knowledge years ago.
Where: Northgate Baptist Church, 13208-95 St NW, Edmonton, AB.
When: August 2 - 9:00 am until 3:00 pm; August 3 - 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.
Lunches and snacks provided.
Registration: $150 including books and meals, (scholarships available - please contact the office).
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